Professor Refiloe Masekela

A good education is many things.
It is a privilege, which must become a human right. Education can never be taken for granted or implemented haphazardly.
It is the foundation upon which our adult lives are built. It is a springboard propelling us into a future which in many respects is still to be defined. The unsung heroes of education are those teachers who give of themselves sacrificially and for the betterment of their students.
The St Mark's UK Trust has had a long association with St Mark's College, through its various ups and downs, and continues to have faith in its long-term future. Indeed we at the Trust believe the School is at the point of entering a new and exciting point in its history. We continue to believe in the quality of the School&rsquo's alumni, the aspirations of the community and, above all, the talent and ambitions of the young people of Limpopo.